
Council Member Daniel Dromm Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council Member Daniel Dromm

New York State Assembly Member Catalina Cruz Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Assembly Member Catalina Cruz

New York Working Families Party Endorses Shekar Krishnan

Working Families Party

State Senator John Liu endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

State Senator John Liu

Rep. Nydia Velazquez Endorses Shekar Krishnan

Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez

State Sen. Julia Salazar Endorses Shekar Krishnan

State Senator Julia Salazar

Justin Brannan endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council Member Justin Brannan

CostaConstantinides endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council Member CostaConstantinides

Carlina Rivera endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council Member Carlina Rivera

Council Member Antonio Reynoso endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council Member Antonio Reynoso

Assembly Member Emily Gallagher endorses Shekar Krishn for City Council

Assembly Member Emily Gallagher

Mayor Ravi Bhalla endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Mayor of Hoboken Ravi Bhalla

Trans Advocate Cecilia Gentili Endorses Shekar Krishnan

Cecilia Gentili, Trans Activist

Samelys López endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Samelys López

The United Federation of Teachers Endorses Shekar Krishnan

United Federation of Teachers

Make The Road Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Make the Road Action

The Hotel Trades Council endorses Shekar Krishnan

Hotel Trades Council

1199 SEIU Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

1199 SEIU

1199 SEIU Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council


Planned Parenthood endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Planned Parenthood

Run For Something endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Run For Something


Black Lives Caucus

National Institute for Reproductive Health endorse Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Natl. Institute for Reproductive Health

Community Voices Heard Power Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Community Voices Heard Power

APALA endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Asian Pacific American Labor

Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club endorses Shekar Krishnan

Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club

LGDCQ endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council


NYC Kids PAC endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council


The New York State Nurses Association endorses Shekar Krishnan

New York State Nurses Assoc.

The Communication Workers of America endorses Shekar Krishnan

Communication Workers of America

NYC Central Labor Council Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

NYC Central Labor Council

NYC District Council of Carpenters endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

NYC District Council of Carpenters

DC 37 AFSCEME AFL-CIO endorses Shekar Krishnan


Unite Here! Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Unite Here! Local 100

Voters for Animal Rights endorses Shekar Krishnan for

Voters for Animal Rights

504 Democratic Club endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

504 Democratic Club

Transit Workers

Transit Workers Union

CSA endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Council of School Supervisors and Administrators

International Union of Operating Engineers endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

International Union of Operating Engineers

NY League of Conservation Voters endorse Shekar Krishnan for City Council

New York League of Conservation Voters

New American Leaders Action Fund endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

New American Leaders Action Fund

Professional Staff Congress CUNY endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Professional Staff Congress CUNY

League of Independent Theater endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

League of Independent Theater

Iron Workers District Council endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

NYS Iron Workers District Council

Resilience PAC endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Resilience PAC

Sheetworkers endorse Shekar Krishnan for City Council


Uniformed Firefighters Association endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Uniformed Firefighters Association

Doctors Council Endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Doctors Council

Committee of Interns & Residents endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Counil

Committee of Interns & Residents SEIU Healthcare

Streets PAC endorses Shekar Krishan for City Council

Streets PAC

New American Democratic Club endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

New American Democratic Club

Alliance of South Asian American Labor endorses Shekar Krishnan for City Council

Alliance of South Asian American Labor

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